Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Adding Hardware To Your Garage Doors

Last year, I did a post on how to inexpensively update your garage doors.
You can see it HERE.
If you remember, we did our first door & it was perfect!
Then we got to the larger garage door & the spacing on the door was different. :(
We couldn't drill the handles close together like the other door, so we had to space them apart.
It drove me crazy...it just didn't look right. We figured out how to fix it!!
I bought one more package of hardware like this...

  It was $12.50 at Home Depot.
We moved the handles in & made two sets to match the other door. 
We removed the handles & filled the holes with screws that we had painted white.
 I think it definitely looks better!
I still think this is a wonderful way to get the "look" for less!
I'm sharing with these blogs:
The 36th Avenue
Tatertots & Jello
My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia 


  1. I love having handles on the garage! It looks so cute!

  2. Genious! Sometimes you have to think outside of the box!

  3. I love this idea! Such an inexpensive but lovely update.

  4. It is just so amazing how a simple hardware could transform a garage door into something great. And it is also inexpensive. Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome idea.

  5. Hi
    I think it looks amazing. I'm not sure I would have had the patience that you had though!

  6. I think it is a really good idea to add hardware to your garage doors as well. It seems like a really smart thing to do, especially foe beautification purposes. It can also be handy for when your spring breaks too.


  7. On top of that, steel would rust easily if exposed to harsh weather elements. As a result of all of these consequences, studs soon became unpopular. However, times have changed! With the introduction of resin studs, you can now decorate your garage without having to worry about the rust or the studs affecting read more.

  8. This is a brilliant idea, both beauty wise as well as cost wise. These door hardware that you have bought are beautiful.

    I had bought a package an year ago from Loft Doors, and I must say they are very reliable and cost wise reasonable. You must visit it once.

  9. Replies
    1. Here: garage door repair san francisco ca, you may choose varieties of style you want and at very accessible and affordable budget. Come visit and prove it to yourself!

  10. What a difference that makes. I love what you have done. We did that with ours, which was originally red. We painted it white because we did not think it would be a good look. But now yours are making me reconsider. I would have never thought that the hardware could look so good on such a variety of colors. Garage Door In Bath
