Monday, July 28, 2014

Painted Pianos

 I've been playing with the idea of painting my old piano.
It is SO tempting when I see bright & fresh pianos like these...

This is my piano now... 
I do love how it's old and full of character.
 I'm getting ready to paint my living room the same color as my GREAT ROOM in the picture below...
I'm thinking a painted piano would really brighten up the space.  
When I asked my family their opinion they all screamed, "NO! You'll ruin it!"
What do you think?  
Would I ruin it? 
Would it look beautiful?

Sharing with these blogs:
Love Of Family & Home
Chic On A Shoestring
Just A Girl & Her Blog
The Idea Room


  1. Please don't do that to this beautiful instrument! Seriously. It would be turning it from treasure to trash. If the beautiful wood on this instrument bothers you that much, then sell, store, or give away the piano and buy a trashed piece of furniture from the thrift store and paint it any color you like. I do understand painting furniture that is so damaged or cheap that paint doesn't lessen the value or esthetics. It truly hurts me when so many in blogland are taking gorgeous wood furniture and painting it to get a "pop" of color or no color (can we say grey, gray, greige?) to be trendy. In five more years everyone will be stripping all that paint off because the trend will swing back to gorgeous wood again.

  2. I personally love the look of the painted pianos - however - I think once you paint the room and see how lovely the wood looks against the grey, you will like it just the way it is. I painted my bedroom grey and I have a creamy white bed and two different off white nightstands, but I also have a wood armoire & a birdseye maple vanity and I love how the wood looks mixed with the white pieces and the grey walls. Try living with it first, in the end, it is your piano and you are the one who has to be happy with it, whether you choose to paint it or not.

  3. That is a personal choice - I debated about painting my breakfront with the wavy glass doors for 20 years - I finally did it and I am NOT SORRY ONE BIT! It was dark and beautiful but I was not in that 80's mode of dark furniture - You have to seriously think about it and like lala said, live with it in the new colored room and then make a choice.

  4. I do love the look of the painted pianos! But I don’t know if I would dare, haha!

  5. It's gorgeous as is. I'm usually all for painting wood... But this is truly an awesome treasure. I, too, think it will blend in nicely with your paint color and other furnishings.

  6. I have several pieces in my home that I have painted. Once in awhile my family has asked that something not be painted, and I went with that. Plus, it sounds like they play it. Meaning, they should enjoy all aspects of it.
